Falling In Love After Fifty


Pages: 134
Format: Paperback

SKU: 978-976-8202-57-4 Category:

Today is a time for falling in love. Whether we fall in love all over again with our present spouses, find new lovers or just fall madly, head-over-heels, in love with life in general, the excitement of new love is here for us to discover and enjoy…” Falling in love’ After Fifty” teaches the young at heart not to be a slave to society’s misconceptions that life ends after fifty. It highlights case histories about women who have been able to overcome obstacles and live rich, healthy and happy lives at an age when they were believed to only be able to sit in rocking chairs knitting their grandchildren’s sweaters.  With useful hints about: Loving everyone – including self, Keeping healthy – both physically and emotionally gaining new experiences  Falling in Love’ After Fifty” is a must have for mature women who wish to “[do] the most with what [they’ve] got”.



Cynthia Wilmot is recognized as one of Jamaica’s best-known writer/director of film documentaries, as well as an accomplished journalist. She was once awarded the Silver Musgrave Medal from theInstituteofJamaicaand an Honorary Life Membership in the Press Association of Jamaica. Now in her eighties, she is busily at work on three new video documentaries and completing her first fiction book – a “whodunit” – set in Jamaica. She is a true testament to the idea that life begins after fifty.

Marguerite Gauron, like Cynthia, is a talented journalist. She has received the Jamaica Press Association’s award for outstanding service in the field of journalism, along with numerous accolades for her work as a writer, fashion model, news correspondents, artist, dancer and environmentalist. Known as the ‘Voice of Portland’, Marguerite continues to speak to an estimated 80,000 people before breakfast, four mornings per week.
